Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fudgy No-Bake Cookies

Everyone I know has some variation of this recipe,
and I myself have tried several different ones throughout the years.
This is one that I just made tonight to take to a Church Relief Society activity for my ward.
WOW!  It was sooo good.  
When I was a child and in Elementary school, we would always have these fudgy cookies on Fridays.  Even though everyone knew that it was near impossible to get someone to trade theirs for anything they wanted of yours, you'd still try. 
I have searched and searched for a recipe that might come close to what I remember having in the lunch room as a child...
And I am so excited!
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup cocoa
pinch of salt
1 stick butter
1 cup peanut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla
3 cups oatmeal
1/4 cup coconut {optional}
In a heavy saucepan bring to a boil the sugar, milk, cocoa, salt and butter.
Let boil for 1 minute. 
{The sugar needs to completely dissolve or it will have a sugary texture instead of being creamy.}
 Add peanut butter, vanilla, oatmeal and coconut.
Drop mixture by the teaspoonfuls, onto a sheet of waxed paper, until cool, or spread into a cookie sheet.

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